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Let's work together

Hello. I am Heather Nesemeier, Candidate for Ward 2, City of Moorhead. Thank you for taking the time to check out my page and learn more about your City Council candidates.

I currently serve on the Moorhead City Council.  I was appointed on May 10, 2021, after a previous council member vacated their seat. With one year under my belt, I have started to make progress in areas important to our community. I am excited to ask you to vote for me in November so that I can continue working to improve the quality of life for everyone living in Moorhead. 

I have a long history of advocacy, volunteering, and gardening -- personally and in community service. I have a passion and track record for improving access to healthy foods. I am an active union member and co-parent to a proud Spud. I have always been deeply engaged with the people and schools in our community, and strive to be a strong leader to support our growing, thriving, resilient city.

Heather for Moorhead Ward Two

Since serving on the Moorhead City Council I have not missed a single Council meeting. Through work on the Solid Waste Advisory Council, I have had the opportunity to work on intergovernmental collaborations to improve shared facilities, encourage best practice use, and explore new opportunities for our community. I have been honored to serve our community and proud of my work to improve our resilience.

Let's work together:

  • We work best when Moorhead leaders and community members work together to ensure exceptional outcomes for development and resilience. 

  • I have worked to champion such development, including affordable housing and supporting the growth and development of a new community center/public library. 

  • I support Moorhead growing into a more walkable and bikeable city – great plans are in the works. I want to work to keep those plans on track to create more opportunities to embrace our awesome, greener community! 

  • I voted to support the Climate Resolution and am an active supporter of Moorhead’s Green Step Cities program. Our Climate Resolution and Green Step Cities programs are only the tip of the iceberg. I want to expand our resilience focused policies, as these initiatives not only make dollars and cents, but also leave a lasting legacy for our children’s health and wellbeing. 


I want to hear from you!

  • I am an advocate for having an accessible municipal government system, where people not only have access to important information, but also feel empowered and supported to find a place for themselves and a voice within the system. 

  • I want to highlight and expand ways in which community members can engage with our municipal government, such as verbally, in writing -- letters or emails, phone calls, streaming, and in-person, etc. Having a variety of avenues for engagement ensures community members are able to find a place within municipal government to share opinions, have their voice heard and considered, get information, serve on a board or commission, etc. 

  • I truly believe our city is better when residents are involved in guiding decisions made by policy makers. I would love to hear from you.

My experience:

  • Decades building community and advocating for social justice in our local communities.

  • Co-organizer and facilitator of  three PB&J School Lunch Fundraisers -- which have raised nearly $20,000 to help pay off school lunch debt. 

  • Continually expanding the local community gardens at the Ellen Hopkins Nature Play Park, working with local teachers to bring nature, farm, garden, and prairie education into classrooms, and more. 

  • Currently serving on local boards (including the Cass Clay chapter of the  Awesome Foundation and the AFSCME Local 602 Executive Board).

In my free time I enjoy reading, gardening, traveling, and supporting my son in all his academic and extracurricular endeavors.

I am committed to this work and our community, and as such, I am committed to earning your vote. I cannot wait to meet you at your door to hear more about your dreams for our community.



Heather for Moorhead

PO Box 213

Moorhead, MN 56561
Phone: 218.593.8831

  • Facebook

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Heather for Moorhead
PO Box 213 

Moorhead, MN 56561

Thanks for reaching out!

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